Quality animal care starts with a healthy diet.

Imagine hosting a dinner for 1,500 guests every day. But it’s no ordinary party.
Everyone at the table has specific dietary needs. Some guests are meat eaters while others are vegetarians — and a few will only eat shellfish.

Feeding the animals at the Oregon Zoo is like preparing for this dinner party many times every day.

In our continued effort to pay it ‘fruit forward,’ Portland Cider Co. is partnering with the Oregon Zoo Foundation to raise funds to feed their herd. 

July - August, a portion of proceeds from every Portland Cider 6-pack will be donated to the Oregon Zoo Foundation

Will you help feed the Oregon Zoo herd?

Whether it’s an apple bushel for an Asian elephant, or a single herring in a penguin's bucket, every meal is important in caring for the animals.  Let's crack open a can of cider and help the animals enjoy their feasts!

  • Jozi the black rhino enjoys her crunchy carrots.

  • Black bears and polar bears, giraffes, tortoise, beavers and more love their lettuce, and we go through 250 heads each week!

  • The zoo’s beloved sea otters Juno, Lincoln and Uni Sushi do not have blubber, so they eat high-quality seafood six times every day to help stay warm. It costs $320 per otter every week, making them one of the most expensive animals to feed at the zoo!

  • Male chimp Pericles greets ripe avocados with loud delighted vocalizations. An avocado is a treat that is brand new to him since moving to the Oregon Zoo.

  • Our Asian elephant herd alone consumes 156,000 pounds of hay each year — about 60% of the hay delivered across the zoo.

  • It takes 292,000 pounds of food to meet the varied appetites of over 1,500 animals every year!

Gifts to the Oregon Zoo Foundation help provide extraordinary daily care for all the animals at the zoo and they sustain species-saving conservation efforts in the Pacific Northwest and around the world.

July - August, Portland Cider Company is proud to donate a portion of proceeds from all 6-packs sold in Oregon and SW Washington to the Oregon Zoo Foundation. Let’s all come together for wildlife and raise a cider for the Oregon Zoo! 

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