Tangerine Dreamsicle Cider

Juicy Tangerines & NW Apples Mingle with Pure, Creamy Vanilla

Creamy, dreamy vanilla and tangy tangerine juice come together with Northwest apples for a nostalgic flavor flashback to hot summer days and cool orange creamsicles. Crafted with pure Singing Dog Vanilla made locally in Eugene, Oregon.


What Dreams Are Made Of

New in 2022

We’ve partnered with Nico’s Ice Cream to bring this nostalgic cider full circle, crafting an ice cream showcasing all the ingredients. Find limited edition half pints at our pubs or Nico’s this summer, while supplies last!

Tasting Notes

waffle cone nose, cream soda, zesty, nostalgia

Food Pairings

BBQ Brisket, Dark Chocolate Cupcake with Vanilla Frosting, Corn on the Cobb, Kale & Quinoa Salad
